When Joy Meets Darkness
Gershon Nimbalker reflects on the hope of Advent in a world longing for light.
Brooke Prentis reflects on the past week and calls the Common Grace movement to get educated, take action and to cover it all in prayer.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. What a time we’ve had marking National Reconciliation Week 2020.
We’ve witnessed amazing solidarity and support:
We’ve witnessed distressing injustice:
Personally it’s been a very difficult and yet also a wonderful week.
I wrote this poem "We Can't Breathe" in 2018 and filmed it this weekend to highlight Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. It captures some of my feelings about the last days.
Now that National Reconciliation Week 2020 and the vigils are now over (until the next one) - what will you do next? Here's 3 easy steps to take:
Learn more about Aboriginal deaths in custody. We have plenty of resources here. Commit to learning the names and story of three Aboriginal people who have died in custody.
Write a letter to the Minister for Police and Minister for Corrections in your State and Territory speaking of your concern about Aboriginal deaths in custody. We’ve provided a template letter and contact details here. If you have already written, why not write to your local member, State Premier, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. If you have already written and haven’t received a reply follow up by writing again or making a phone call.
Prayer resources to use to cry out to God for an end to violence, for justice to reign, are available here and here.
I’ve been reminded in this last week of answering the call of Aunty Jean Phillips and praying to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia. Through your support and encouragement I believe more than ever that change is coming. I was personally encouraged by re-reading this summary of the Sydney #ChangeTheHeart Service by Lilly Smith, who by coincidence sat beside me at the service. I pray it may remind you of where we have been together, where we hope to go, and for those that weren’t able to attend to lean into 3,000 small felt hearts held in 3,000 sets of hands - “from little things, big things grow”.
Yours in Walking Together,
P.S. Don’t miss our Earth Day event tomorrow night and Refugee Week coming soon. Refugee Week is from 14-20 June on the theme of welcome. There will be daily devotions over the week for you to listen, connect, and advocate as we love our Asylum Seeker and Refugee neighbours, brothers, and sisters. More info coming soon!
Gershon Nimbalker reflects on the hope of Advent in a world longing for light.
Jonathan Cornford reflects on Zechariah’s song and the transformative power of forgiveness, offering hope even in the darkest times.
Rev Christian Ford reflects on finding our identity in Jesus and living out His grace, love, mercy and justice.
Poet Stevie Wills reflects on the joy, hope and peace we find in Jesus, even amidst sorrow and pain.