That Awkward “We don’t really ‘do Lent’ at my church” Moment

As a Pentecostal girl with Baptist roots, the season of Lent has never really been something that I have participated in.

In fact, I would go as far as to say that, until recently, my understanding of Lent probably only extended to a vague notion of people giving up good stuff, like chocolate. Certainly, the reason why some of my Christian brothers and sisters seemed to take Lent so seriously completely eluded me.

Now, working at Common Grace, where we are committed to bringing Christians of all types together around what we have in common, I’m pleased to say that I’ve learned a lot and I am excited to be embarking upon what feels like my ‘first’ Lenten season as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

For those Christians who, like me, are from a church tradition that doesn’t generally ‘do’ Lent, I found this wonderfully brief and accessible teaching video by key Christian thinker, Rowan Williams filled some of the gaps in my thinking.

Have a look! I pray that God would stir your hearts about this holy season, as he has mine.

And make sure you sign up to unite with other Christians, as we pray the Lord’s Prayer daily throughout Lent this year. 

Reflections on The Lord's Prayer