We dream of a future where our nation listens deeply to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the truth of our history, where injustices are righted and the oldest continuous cultures in the world are celebrated. This is a future where all the broken things are restored and reconciled to and through Jesus. A future where all people and all creation can flourish.
What does biblical justice look like? Biblical justice emphasises the need to foster communities, cultures and systems that allows all people, particularly those that are poor, marginalised and oppressed, to enjoy the goodness and abundance of God’s creation.
At the centre of what justice means in an Australian context is truth-telling about our history and therefore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders are fundamental to the work of Common Grace.
Explore a range of theological resources from First Nations perspectives below.
'Anaditj', Aunty Denise Champion, June 2021
Copies of “Anaditj” are available for $25 + $3.30 postage. Click here to download the order form. Orders and queries can be directed to UCA Synod of South Australia Mission Resourcing [email protected]
Watch the online Book Launch of 'Anaditj' of here.
'Yarta Wandatha', Aunty Denise Champion, October 2014
More copies of "Yarta Wandatha" are being printed, click here to put your name down to be notified when more copies are available.
Grounded Book, Edited by Jill Firth and Denise Cooper-Clarke, 2021
Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture: Papers by Australian Women Scholars in the Evangelical Tradition
Includes a paper written by Brooke Prentis available for purchase here: http://groundedbook.com.au
What Can the Birds of the Land Tell Us?
'Five Smooth Stones: Reading the Bible Through Aboriginal Eyes', Uncle Graham Paulson and Mark Brett, 2013
Paulson, Graham and Brett, Mark G. (2013) Five Smooth Stones: Reading the Bible Through Aboriginal Eyes. Colloquium, 45 (2). pp. 199-209. ISSN 0588-3237
Uncle Ray Minniecon 'Does Jesus Believe in Land Rights?' Three Podcasts of the Bible Studies from the Surrender Conference 2016
How Do we Think Biblically About Constitutional Recognition - Part 1
How Do we Think Biblically About Constitutional Recognition - Part 2
How Do we Think Biblically About Constitutional Recognition - Part 3
Enacting a Public Theology, Edited by Clive Pearson, 2019
The publication explores the loss of confidence in the contemporary expressions of democracy; the climate emergency accompanies the dawn of the Anthropocene; the migration of people raises concerns to do with identity, belonging and where is home; the invasion of land wrongly described as terra nullius and then invaded demands a deepened praxis of reconciliation between first and second peoples.
Available for purchase here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Enacting-Public-Theology-Clive-Pearson/dp/1928314678
Not in Kansas, Edited by Darrell Jackson, Michael Frost, David Starling, 2020
Not in Kansas Anymore explores the church’s place in the strange, new post-Christian world of the twenty-first-century West.
Available for purchase here: https://www.morling.edu.au/shop/not-in-kansas-anymore/
It also has the incredible artwork of Jasmin Roberts @MyTimeForDreaming on the back cover.