Vigil on Parliament House Lawn

Vigil on Parliament House Lawn

Aboriginal Leaders were joined by Beyond Festival to call for justice in our land on Parliament House Lawn

A Black Communities Matter Vigil was held this morning at Parliament House with Aboriginal Leaders calling for justice in our land.

Brooke Prentis, our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Team's Spokesperson, was part of a Black Communities Matter Vigil this morning at Parliament House with support from the crew at this weekend's fabulous Beyond Festival.

She describes it 'Wow! Just wow! Stood in solidarity together as we contemplated #‎SOSBlakAustralia as we #‎unleashjustice on the lawns of Parliament House. May we make the impossible dream of an Australia built on truth, justice, love and hope possible.'

Let's keep praying for God's justice to roll like a river in our land!


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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice