Advent: Let Justice Flow

Sign up a for our 2024 Advent series! Crafted by a diverse group reflecting on the life-giving, thirst quenching justice that Jesus brings - a justice overflowing with love and compassion, bringing forth hope, healing, nourishment and flourishing for all.

We are excited to be sharing a series of daily email devotionals for Advent 2024 crafted by a diverse group reflecting on the life-giving, thirst quenching justice that Jesus brings. A justice overflowing with love and compassion, bringing forth hope, healing, nourishment and flourishing for all.

This special series features contributions from both written and creative reflections from a diverse group of contributors across the Common Grace movement including Graeme Anderson, Aunty Rev Patricia Courtenay, Adam Gowen, Stevie Wills, Rev Dr Megan Powell du Toit, Rev Mike Paget, Claire Harvey, Rev Christian Ford, Becca De Souza, Rev Cyrus Kung, Jonathan Cornford, Tobias Beckmann, Phil Walker-Harding, Naomi Fraser, Kate Morris, James Harris, Erin Martine Hutton, Sally Shaw, Dr Felicity McCallum, Luke Vassella, Sam McDonell, Evelyn & Bob McDonald, Abbey Sim, Safina Stewart, and Gershon Nimbalker.

About this Advent series

As we approach the end of the year, many of us are feeling weary from grief and lament at witnessing the escalation of ongoing global conflicts that has lead to heartbreaking loss of life, safety, freedom and flourishing for so many people. As we continue to see systems that neglect to protect people and creation and listen deeply to the voices of those experiencing injustice our hearts long to see a Jesus-shaped justice flow across these lands so that there may be life in abundance for all.

But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:24)

Advent reflects the longing and tension we have in being present with the pain of injustice, whilst also holding and celebrating the victory and hope we have in Jesus Christ, God with us.

This Advent join us as we reflect on the life-giving, thirst quenching justice that Jesus brings. A justice overflowing with love and compassion, bringing forth hope, healing, nourishment and flourishing for all.

Sign up to have our 2024 Advent series delivered to your inbox from 1 December. 


Please share this opportunity to celebrate and reflect together through this season of Advent with your networks and communities. 

Explore our 'Let Justice Flow' Advent 2024 graphics to use across your social media channels and share in your faith community to encourage your friends to sign up along with you here - Instagram TileFacebook TilePresentation Slide.

Explore our 2024 series below