Roll On Mighty River
Musician Luke Vasella opens our Advent series with a song reminding us of the life-giving gift of Jesus’ mighty river of justice.
Phil Walker-Harding invites us to consider a hopeful future in the midst of an uncertain and messy present.
For our fourteenth Advent 2024 devotional, Phil Walker-Harding invites us to consider a hopeful future in the midst of an uncertain and messy present.
You will say on that day:
I will give thanks to you, O Lord,
for though you were angry with me,
your anger turned away,
and you comforted me.
Surely God is my salvation;
I will trust, and will not be afraid,
for the Lord God is my strength and my might;
he has become my salvation.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. And you will say on that day:
Give thanks to the Lord,
call on his name;
make known his deeds among the nations;
proclaim that his name is exalted.
Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously;
let this be known in all the earth.
Shout aloud and sing for joy, O royal Zion,
for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 12:1-6
It can be a little confronting to read a passage all about joyfully praising God when that's the last thing you feel like doing. I'm sure that for some of us, as we read Isaiah 12 at this time, joyful songs might be far from our lips. Some of us are just trying to tie up the loose ends of another difficult and messy year. Some of us are struggling with anxiety as we see injustice and division escalate around the world and at home. Some of us are feeling that our faith, which was once simple and fruitful, has become scattered and churned up by uncertainties. Maybe not the best time for a song.
Well surprisingly, Isaiah's exuberant words in chapter 12 are written to an audience with nothing to celebrate at all. They are a wounded and scattered diaspora, the remnant of a once prosperous community whose faith in God had been radically shaken. Their experience of exile has led them to living in genuine fear for their future. So why is the prophet talking about them joyously singing?
Just before this passage, Isaiah has painted a picture of what God's future will bring. Indeed, chapter 11 is filled with some of the most beautiful imagery in all scripture. It dares us to imagine a world so tilted towards love and justice that even the divisions between predator and prey, the dangerous and the vulnerable, are gone. Instead, the most famous enemies of the animal kingdom take a nap together, and a small child is so safe that a snake can be their playmate.
Even as poetry, maybe this seems too much to ask a broken people to imagine. And so in chapter 12, Isaiah takes another approach to make this promise feel real to his audience. He gives them some words that they will be able say when all of this has come to pass. Instead of describing the future again, he lets them in on what they will be saying in that future. And striking words they are: I'm not afraid anymore. Now, God, you are my comfort. I'm not in danger anymore. Now, God, you are my strength. These are words that each of us can say too. Even if today is not that day, or that day feels far off. The fact that these words might sound too good to be true is kind of the point. In giving us them, Isaiah is also giving us a different way to measure the astounding distance between how things are now and how they will be then.
But chapter 12 doesn't completely leave poetry behind. In verse 3, Isaiah tells us that this future salvation will feel like drawing abundant water from a well. At this point it's hard to stop your mind wandering forward to an episode in Jesus' ministry centuries later. His meeting with an outcast woman at a well, and His promise that true life is found in the living water that flows from Him (John 4:13-14). I doubt that a day earlier this woman had any inclination she'd be running through her village shouting with joy. But her encounter with Jesus turns her life upside-down, and her proclamation to her neighbours may not have been too different from "Shout aloud and sing for joy, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you!"
If this Advent you are finding it hard to believe or even imagine God's promises being fulfilled, maybe you too can take hold of Isaiah's words for yourself and say, I don't know exactly what is coming, or when it will arrive, but I know what I will be saying: "The Lord himself is my strength and my might, he has become my salvation....Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously."
Phil Walker-Harding is board and card game designer living and working on Gadigal land. He and his wife Meredith run Joey Games where they make board games about Australia for kids and adults to play together. Phil also has a Masters of Theology and has worked in local church and creative arts ministries.
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Musician Luke Vasella opens our Advent series with a song reminding us of the life-giving gift of Jesus’ mighty river of justice.
Erin Martine Hutton reflects on the joy and beauty of singing a new song of hope together.
Kate Morris explores the hope and salvation we have in the gift of God’s true King of justice, Jesus.
James Harris reflects on our Advent call to compassion in a time of displacement.
Graeme Anderson invites us to lift our eyes and open our ears to the goodness of the Lord.
Naomi Fraser reflects on God’s promise of shalom and flourishing for all.
Aunty Rev Patricia Courtenay reflects on the healing justice of God and the hope we have in walking with Jesus.
Artist Safina Stewart paints an abundant vision of truth and flourishing, where remarkable change is brought about through Jesus-shaped justice.
Sally Shaw invites us to join with all creation to sing jubilant praises to our Creator.
Rev Dr Megan Powell du Toit reflects on the refreshing, restoring and comforting justice that Jesus brings.
Tobias Beckmann writes an open letter to his daughter, reflecting on the words of Isaiah and joining in on the work of the great Holy One.
Pastor Sam McDonell reflects on surrendering to God’s call to be disciples who let justice flow through our lives.
Rev Mike Paget reflects on our journey together to see God’s justice breaking in and flowing through us.
Phil Walker-Harding invites us to consider a hopeful future in the midst of an uncertain and messy present.
Evelyn and Bob McDonald reflect on the kingdom of the living God where faith, hope, love, truth and justice flow.
Rev Cyrus Kung reflects on the good news of Jesus that teaches us to walk new paths in humility and in truth.
Abbey Sim reflects on the women in Jesus' genealogy bearing witness to mercy.
Dr Felicity McCallum reflects on finding hope and renewal in the journey towards justice.
Claire Harvey reflects on the raw ache that can come while waiting to see Jesus’ love and justice flow.
Adam Gowen reflects on living in right relationship with the Creator, creation and each other.
Becca De Souza invites us to, like Isaiah, reimagine power, solidarity and hope.
Poet Stevie Wills reflects on the joy, hope and peace we find in Jesus, even amidst sorrow and pain.
Rev Christian Ford reflects on finding our identity in Jesus and living out His grace, love, mercy and justice.
Jonathan Cornford reflects on Zechariah’s song and the transformative power of forgiveness, offering hope even in the darkest times.
Gershon Nimbalker reflects on the hope of Advent in a world longing for light.