Roll On Mighty River
Musician Luke Vasella opens our Advent series with a song reminding us of the life-giving gift of Jesus’ mighty river of justice.
Dr Felicity McCallum reflects on finding hope and renewal in the journey towards justice.
For our eighteenth Advent 2024 devotional, Dr Felicity McCallum reflects on finding hope and renewal in the journey towards justice.
The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’
Therefore, the days are surely coming, says the Lord, when it shall no longer be said, ‘As the Lord lives who brought the people of Israel up out of the land of Egypt’, but ‘As the Lord lives who brought out and led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the land of the north and out of all the lands where he* had driven them.’ Then they shall live in their own land.
Jeremiah 23:5-8
On the way…
to the full picture, we begin to see what we feared most didn’t happen after all.
Some summers, rains soften the heat, eucalypts revive, kangaroos will shelter baby joeys.
On the way…
a child climbs first steps, finds safety, grounding under foot, chuckling fate.
On the way…
a human heart feels the milk of its own kindness, sifts out sands of sorrow, selects an honest friend and decides to trust again,
on the way to knowing what they were born for.
On the way…
we crane to glimpse us being our best selves,
our dreams, our Dreaming do not go awry, on the way, after all.
We do as we are meant to.
The land builds us up, owning us from the inside out.
On the way…
The rains cool the fires that seem unquenchable; may this happen for you this advent, may justice flow.
When composing this piece, several drafts materialised on my page. Life had been a maze of urgent tasks since returning from overseas, where I had been working on a Reconciliation chant for Australia in rural France. Reconciling my own disorientation on time, energy & material resources to balance here again meant any response other than an analytical or critical one was eluding me.
I had to engage the gratitude part of my brain to let creative tones create a connected response rather than the amygdalin part of the brain (fight or flight mode). Prayer was the answer, bringing my attention to the companionship of Jesus forward was necessary. This is sometimes called ‘the Immanuel moment’.
Then a summer storm hit and the light in the sky, the songs of the insects and the refreshing water drops restored me.
I found out more about Jeremiah, looked up key words and walked around in them for a couple of weeks - mused on them, yarning over them with fellow theologians and historians, here and interstate in Australia. And I listened to the gospel of the Wanungine-Wallambine (Awabakal) summer storm.
Culturally, my heart has to be aligned with the curve of whatever I write for sharing or publishing, to be absolutely responsible to readers and kin - a solemn critique just felt too heavy, it read too cold.
Dr Felicity McCallum is an Awabakaleen (female of Awaba) residing on Wanungine-Wallambine (Awabakal) country. Felicity facilitates national and local civic initiatives for Indigenous/non-Indigenous peace based on just engagement. She consults to national boards and co-leads international research projects aimed at the application of findings on justice, wisdom and unity across the globe. Felicity is also a teacher, lecturer and tutor at Australian Catholic University as well as an Adjunct Research Fellow with the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Charles Sturt University.
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Musician Luke Vasella opens our Advent series with a song reminding us of the life-giving gift of Jesus’ mighty river of justice.
Erin Martine Hutton reflects on the joy and beauty of singing a new song of hope together.
Kate Morris explores the hope and salvation we have in the gift of God’s true King of justice, Jesus.
James Harris reflects on our Advent call to compassion in a time of displacement.
Graeme Anderson invites us to lift our eyes and open our ears to the goodness of the Lord.
Naomi Fraser reflects on God’s promise of shalom and flourishing for all.
Aunty Rev Patricia Courtenay reflects on the healing justice of God and the hope we have in walking with Jesus.
Artist Safina Stewart paints an abundant vision of truth and flourishing, where remarkable change is brought about through Jesus-shaped justice.
Sally Shaw invites us to join with all creation to sing jubilant praises to our Creator.
Rev Dr Megan Powell du Toit reflects on the refreshing, restoring and comforting justice that Jesus brings.
Tobias Beckmann writes an open letter to his daughter, reflecting on the words of Isaiah and joining in on the work of the great Holy One.
Pastor Sam McDonell reflects on surrendering to God’s call to be disciples who let justice flow through our lives.
Rev Mike Paget reflects on our journey together to see God’s justice breaking in and flowing through us.
Phil Walker-Harding invites us to consider a hopeful future in the midst of an uncertain and messy present.
Evelyn and Bob McDonald reflect on the kingdom of the living God where faith, hope, love, truth and justice flow.
Rev Cyrus Kung reflects on the good news of Jesus that teaches us to walk new paths in humility and in truth.
Abbey Sim reflects on the women in Jesus' genealogy bearing witness to mercy.
Dr Felicity McCallum reflects on finding hope and renewal in the journey towards justice.
Claire Harvey reflects on the raw ache that can come while waiting to see Jesus’ love and justice flow.
Adam Gowen reflects on living in right relationship with the Creator, creation and each other.
Becca De Souza invites us to, like Isaiah, reimagine power, solidarity and hope.
Poet Stevie Wills reflects on the joy, hope and peace we find in Jesus, even amidst sorrow and pain.
Rev Christian Ford reflects on finding our identity in Jesus and living out His grace, love, mercy and justice.
Jonathan Cornford reflects on Zechariah’s song and the transformative power of forgiveness, offering hope even in the darkest times.
Gershon Nimbalker reflects on the hope of Advent in a world longing for light.