Thanks for signing

Thank you for adding your voice in calling on the Government to reverse their devastating funding cuts to Community Legal Centres. If you want to do more, there are two great next steps:

1. Share this action with your friends: Can you help make sure this is a huge issue for the government as they start planning the next budget, by inviting your friends to join you in the campaign? Share the campaign on Facebook using the buttons below:

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2. Write to your politicians: It only takes five minutes, but writing directly to those who represent us in government is a great way to make sure your voice is heard and our government know that Christians voters are deeply concerned about the proposed cuts to Community Legal Centres and the harm it may have on vulnerable women and families. Our friends at Fair Agenda have a tool to help you get started:

Email Your Senator

This joint petition is being led by Fair Agenda, with support from Common Grace. To find out more about Community Legal Centres and how you can take action, check out their website.

Do you need support?

The following Domestic and Family Violence support services are available: