Walking Together with Vision
Uncle Norman Richardson calls us to walk together with vision towards Reconciliation.
Aunty Glenny Naden calls us to walk together with resilience towards Reconciliation.
Respect: When we, as a nation, go through things together, like drought, bushfires, COVID-19, we learn to respect the environment and others around us. As the original people of this continent, we have known and practiced this for thousands of years.
Relationship: These challenges help us to reflect on our relationship with God and with each other.
Reformation: Our ability to move forward as a nation has been challenged. This year’s National Reconciliation Week theme of ‘In this Together’ reminds us to focus on reforming our thinking and our behaviours, so that we value and celebrate our Ancient past, abound in the blessings of God today, and look forward with hope and confidence to the future, as we seek God’s will for each of our lives.
Aunty Glenny Naden has given us permission to use her beautiful artwork ‘So Loved’ as the basis of our imagery this week. You can see more of Aunty Glenny’s work here.
Just as Aunty Glenny expresses her love for God and educates with her art, this week we invite you to stand in resilience with Aboriginal Christians by being creative yourself. Can you share a creative expression with us?
To make it easy, as we mark 20 years since the Walks for Reconciliation in the year 2000, here are some creative ideas to help us pledge to be led by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leaders in pursuing friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime.
Uncle Norman Richardson calls us to walk together with vision towards Reconciliation.
Uncle Ray Minniecon calls us to walk together with love towards Reconciliation.
Aunty Ravina Waldren calls us to walk together with solidarity towards Reconciliation.
Uncle Neville Naden calls us to walk together with purpose towards Reconciliation.