Hundreds of Holt residents have signed a local petition calling for stronger action on climate change. Their petition was presented to the Member for Holt with 55 signatures from across the local community.
The petition calls on our elected representatives to support stronger action on climate change, with a particular focus on protecting the most vulnerable communities.
The action taken by the residents of Holt are part of the largest multi-electorate climate petition in Australia's history. The Holt petition is one of many ‘Community Climate Petitions’ raised simultaneously in almost 100 federal electorates across Australia. These electorate-based, ‘pen and paper’ petitions have been driven by people of diverse faiths including Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and Brahma Kumaris.
The petitions call for deeper and more urgent reductions to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, a faster transition to a clean energy economy and more assistance for more vulnerable nations grappling with the impacts of climate change.
The Australia-wide Community Climate Petitions are supported by a coalition of faith-based organisations including the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Caritas Australia, Catholic Earthcare, Common Grace, Edmund Rice Centre, Pacific Calling Partnership, TEAR Australia and the Uniting Church in Australia.
Petitioners in the electorate of Holt deliver 55 signatures to their local political representative.