When Australian Christians come to the realisation of the true history of these lands now called Australia — the over 65,000 years of custodianship and stewardship by over 300 nations of Aboriginal peoples, and the true history since colonisation — hearts and minds are unsettled and the question arises "What do I do?".
Brooke Prentis and Bianca Manning have put together this list of the 10 best ways to engage in January 26 this year -
1. Acknowledge
Post your Acknowledgement of Country using the Common Grace website tool and talk about it with whoever you meet on the day
One way to take a stand for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice is by learning whose country you live on and by talking about that and sharing an Acknowledgement of Country. Our online tool invites you to share a photo of your feet on Country and words of acknowledgement as a first step in truth telling and friendship.
Add your Acknowledgement on our online gallery here.
2. Learn about Jan 26
Watch and share the ‘History of January 26’ video
This video, originally developed for #ChangeTheHeart 2021, powerfully tells about the history of January 26, providing important context to this date. Watch Now then share on your social media.
Watch the History of Jan 26 video on Facebook here.
3. Stand in solidarity
Stand in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples attending rallies and events across the country
There are multiple ways to join together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across these lands now called Australia as we mark January 26 as a Day of Mourning, Survival Day, Invasion Day.
We've put together a list of online and in-person events here.
Note: Sadly due to COVID-19 some Invasion/Survival Day events have been cancelled or are now also on or have been moved solely to Online Events. As well as being the best Covid-safe option, the other benefit of this is that if you are unable to join in a March or Rally, you can 'virtually' stand in Solidarity from wherever and whatever location & circumstance you are in - by using a smart phone/tv, or computer, and in some areas via radio. If you would still like to attend an in-person event, please take Covid-19 precautions including wearing a mask, social distancing, hand sanitising and not attending if you feel unwell.
4. Donate
Donate to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice
Your donation helps empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders to lead our nation and followers of Jesus to listen deeply, advocate for truth-telling, and change the heart of Australia.
5. Observe
Observe 65 seconds of silence, one second for each thousand years
Consider the thousands of years Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the generations, as the world's oldest, living, continuing cultures have walked these lands, looked at these skies and loved these places we now call home. Last year Rosie Shorter reflected on the practice of observing a minute's silence to stimulate our thinking - Read Rosie's blog post here.
6. Watch and Share
Watch and Share #ChangeTheHeart
If you haven't already watched the National #ChangeTheHeart Prayer Service from 2022 you can still do so here www.commongrace.org.au/watch. Why not invite friends to join you and work through the discussion questions and taking it further ideas here too.
7. Take Action
Take Action for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
There have been over 570 Aboriginal Deaths in Custody since 1980 - over 470 of these since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody released their report in 1991. This grieves the heart of God. It is important that we learn the names and stories, we lament together, we pray without ceasing and we act to see change.
Find out how on our Aboriginal Deaths in Custody resources page here.
8. Pray
Pray for justice, healing and Reconciliation in these lands
Spend time in prayer for justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Pray for friendship and Reconciliation to come in our lifetime and for justice today for those experiencing the pain and brokenness of our world.
We have a page of prayer resources for Aboriginal justice here.
9. Join the Movement
Sign up and follow Common Grace on social media
Commit to Staying Awake and on the journey of friendship and Reconciliation by joining the Common Grace movement. Sign up with your email on our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @commongraceaus
10. Learn and Participate
Commit to learning more and participating in 2022
Commit to your journey of education and learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice. Click the images below to read about practical ways to learn more, and find ideas on our Aboriginal justice resources page here.
We've also put together some church resources here to acknowledge the history of January 26 in your church.
Coming soon: Stay tuned for a Common Grace Digital Seminar with Senior Aboriginal Christian Leader Aunty Jean Phillips in February 2022! Deeply listen to Aunty Jean Phillips as she shares about Aboriginal justice, her ministry in South East Queensland, the importance of acknowledging our shared history, and how you can come on the journey. Make sure you’re signed up on our website to keep updated!