
Michael Ramaidama leads us in prayer as we rejoice at the coming of the Prince of Peace.


On the eleventh day of Advent 2022, Michael Ramaidama leads us in prayer as we rejoice at the coming of the Prince of Peace.



Creator God,

You know the state of your creation.

We rejoice at your coming for the peace you bring upon our lives and the world.

In your understanding, help us take heed of First Nations peoples' wisdom and knowledge, to strive for healing and reconciliation, and stand up for their justice.


We pray for Peace.

In your righteousness, help us proclaim your love in our capitalist world 

and generate wealth for the poor, 

to house the homeless, 

clothe the naked, 

and feed the hungry.


We pray for Peace.

In your might, silence guns and bombs.

May we hear the cries of distress and sorrow. 

Comfort the afflicted and defend the helpless.


We pray for Peace.

In your wisdom, help us to be good stewards of your creation. 

May we listen to the voices of those on the forefront, strive for renewable energy and provide refuge. 


We pray for Peace. 

In your faithfulness, embrace your people suffering the loss of loved ones, 

fill the void in their hearts and be near to them. For the loss of safety and property due to natural disasters, give them strength and hope.


We pray for Peace.

In your grace, reveal yourself in broken families, 

in shattered dreams and in loneliness.

Draw closer to us in times of our betrayal and ease our pain. 


We pray for Peace.

In your counsel, direct us to our calling so that we may be instruments of peace in our hurting world.


Birth in us this peace we pray. 



A visual reflection of Michael Ramaidama's Advent prayer is below.




Michael Ramaidama is originally from Fiji and now resides on Wangal country. He worships at Burwood-Croydon Uniting Church and is a member of the Regional Ecumenical Youth Council under the Pacific Conference of Churches.



This devotional is the eleventh in a series of daily email devotionals for Advent 2022. This year's series reflects on the hope and joy of the good breaking in with the birth of Christ. 

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Advent The Good