DAY 1 - Welcome to our 16 Days of Prayer!
Erica Hamence opens our series of 16 days of prayer against Domestic & Family Violence - Foundations for Christian Action by reminding us that we pray because our God has promised to transform the world.
Erica Hamence opens our series of 16 days of prayer against Domestic & Family Violence - Foundations for Christian Action by reminding us that we pray because our God has promised to transform the world.
‘He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.’ - Luke 1:52
‘Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. The bows of the warriors are broken, but those who stumbled are armed with strength.’ - 1 Samuel 2:3-4
‘It is not by strength that one prevails; those who oppose the LORD will be broken.’ - 1 Samuel 2:9-10
Welcome to our 16 Days of Prayer Against Domestic and Family Violence: Foundations for Christian Action!
Recently, I was speaking with a friend who is recovering - slowly and painfully - from workplace abuse. As we discussed the steps she’s taken to bring the abuse to light and to find justice, we felt ourselves becoming overwhelmed. There’s so little recourse available to her, and her abuser is well-connected, in a powerful position that he is exploiting for his own sake. Humanly-speaking, there seems little chance of him being brought to account.
But as we spoke, I was reminded of another reality: the one the Bible describes. It’s the reality that Hannah sings of in 1 Samuel 2, and Mary rejoices in, in Luke 1.
‘He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.’ Luke 1:52
It’s a simple truth, but absolutely essential: all of that power will come to nothing. God says, again and again in His word, that He will topple the powerful if they use their power for evil. He will bring them low. Not only that, but He will lift up the humble.
It’s a truth that offers hope not only to my friend, but to all victims and survivors of domestic and family violence.
The power of the powerful can feel inviolable, the problems systemic and intractable, and yet God offers us an alternative. Whether in this life or the next, God will bring about a reordering of things, a right ordering of things. God can de-throne even the most powerful abuser - and promises to do just that. God can re-write the story of our people - to bring goodness out of sin. God can re-orient our cultures, so that they reflect His good purposes for us.
It’s this reordering that we are focussing on in our 16 Days of Prayer Against Domestic and Family Violence.
In the past, we’ve sketched out the basics of domestic and family violence awareness - the facts and figures that make up this horrible reality.
This year, we’re changing focus to something even more foundational. We’re raising questions, and we’re offering answers, about how cultures of violence, abuse and inequity are formed in our society and even our churches. The purpose of all of this is to sketch out how these cultures can be changed.
We’ve grouped these reflections into three broad areas: broader society, church, and personal.
In these posts, we want to reclaim the Bible. To see it, use and respond to it as it is: God’s instrument of healing, God’s rich resource for our good and His glory, His timeless truth written to speak against cultures and practices that sin against Him and His people, and to build up those who have been brought low.
To that end, we’ve asked every contributor - each an expert in their field - to interact with a Bible passage and outline its intersection with their expertise. We’re enormously grateful for their contributions and we pray they will be helpful for you too.
This is my exhortation to you as you start out with us on these 16 days. Keep going. It can be hard to keep engaging with something as horrible as domestic and family violence - whether we engage from the perspective of a survivor, a friend, or a ministry worker. It can be tiring, and frustrating, and so, so sad. It is to all of this that we hope our pieces speak truth and hope.
The people who can best face the horrible reality of domestic and family violence are the ones who know its alternative, and its source. We can be those people.
God of the universe, you are unchanging in your goodness. And because your purposes do not change, because they remain good, we trust you to change what seems unchangeable. We ask that you will bring about a reordering of this world, that those who misuse their power will be brought low, and that those who have been made low will be raised up. God, we thank you that because you will do these things, we can face even the most painful of realities. Please use these next 16 days to make us people who pray and act with hope. Amen.
If you would like to know more about Domestic and Family Violence, and what resources there are for dealing with it, go to
Erica Hamence opens our series of 16 days of prayer against Domestic & Family Violence - Foundations for Christian Action by reminding us that we pray because our God has promised to transform the world.
As we turn to look at violence, Brooke Prentis draws our attention to the patterns of violence embedded in Australia’s history.
Emma Pitman reflects on the unjust structure of the Jericho road for our 16 days of prayer against Domestic & Family Violence - Foundations for Christian Action.
Tamie Davis reflects on the Image of God, suggesting that to abuse God’s images is to insult the Creator.
Aboriginal Christian Leader Sono Leone reflects on the intergenerational trauma and systemic racist structures facing Aboriginal women as part of the challenge of domestic and family violence in Australia today.
Geoff Broughton reflects on how a church might respond to domestic and family violence through a restorative justice lens, as we ask ‘how did this happen in our midst?’
Ray Bull asks: how does the church reassess the assumptions we make in responding to Domestic and Family Violence?
Jeri Jones Sparks raises the question: what have we misunderstood about gender-based violence?
An anonymous survivor of intimate partner violence shares her story of both harm, and healing, in the church.
Graeme Anderson, Amy Watkins and Josh Dowton from Northside Baptist write together to reorient our approach to forgiveness.
Ray Bull inspires us to keep hoping in God’s restorative healing power and purpose, even as we acknowledge the brokeness and flaws of his people and churches.
Our anonymous author is a clinical psychologist, who shares her own experience of family violence, and now works with victims of domestic and family violence.
Erica Hamence asks what can the inclusion of the rape and murder of the concubine in Judges 19-21 possibly have to say to us?
Erica Hamence returns to Judges 19-21 to see what else it can tell us about gender-based violence.
Tamie Davis helps us to see how Jesus raises women up.
Erin Sessions closes our series of 16 days of prayer by calling us to face the ‘tools-down’ national crisis.