Tamie Davis reflects on the Image of God, suggesting that to abuse God’s images is to insult the Creator.

The Centrality of the Image of God

The dignity of women as one part of the image of God is inextricably tied to who God is.

Tamie Davis lives in Tanzania where her family partners with CMS Australia and Tanzania Fellowship of Evangelical Students. She is undertaking a PhD looking at the theology of a group of Tanzanian women.

‘So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them’

- Genesis1:27 (NIV)

The Genesis 1 account of God’s creation of humankind contains these words:

‘So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them’ (1:27 NIV)

It’s striking that the image of God is not a ‘him’, but a ‘them’; it is together that male and female image God. This means that when we come to considering the image of God, we must pursue the flourishing of both parties under God, if God’s image is to be apparent. Furthermore, if one part of this partnership is diminished, it is God himself who is dishonoured. To abuse God’s images is to insult their Creator.

This means that when we come to consider domestic and family violence, the dignity of the abused carries significance for our witness to and worship of God. How can we claim to worship God while at the same time demeaning his image? We deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. We make a mockery of him if we seek to worship God without honouring women.

This issue of domestic and family violence is fundamentally theocentric; it cannot be otherwise, because the dignity of women as one part of the image of God is inextricably tied to who God is.

Let us not grieve him; let us not deface his image; let us not tarnish his glory.


How familiar are you with the idea that God is represented or ‘imaged’ by humanity? For you, how much does each of the two parties (men and women) figure in this?

In what ways does domestic and family violence warp or obscure the image of God?

In what ways have you seen the image of God come through more brightly and clearly through women being honoured?

God’s reputation is bound up in the dignity of women. Is this how you see it? How might God want to change the way you see things on this?


A prayer of thanksgiving:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how amazing that you have made us in your image. We praise you for giving each of us dignity, value and purpose through that. We marvel that you are mindful of us, that you care for us (Psalm 8).

A prayer of repentance:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we grieve that we have not always recognised your image in the people you have made. We have let prejudice cloud our vision. We have not treated all people - men and women - as equally valuable, and we have not equally dignified them. We are sorry. We commit now to honouring each person, and you through them.

Go Deeper

Understanding what the Bible says about faith issues that relate to domestic violence is a key step for any churches engaging in this area, read more at


Christian Foundations for 16 Days of Prayer Against Domestic and Family Violence - 2019