Prayer for gifting scarves, Canberra 21

Our Father, Creator God.  

We thank you for all those who have given of their time and talents to create these things of beauty.  We thank you for their dedication and generosity. May the thoughts of climate change and its impacts, along with the key role of our politicians in bringing change, continue to grow in every knitter so they become champions of change.  

We pray for the politicians who receive these scarves today and in the months to come. May they be touched by the concerns of their constituents. May these gentle symbols of the climate emergency that our earth and her peoples are facing go some way to balancing the lobbying of the fossil fuel industry.  

We pray that all those in Parliament who work tirelessly to make our world a better place are not disheartened by the lack of progress towards a sustainable future. May they continue to to advocate for and act in the best interests of the earth and all her peoples. 

We pray in the name of Jesus,




Prayer written and prayed by Knit for Climate Action knitter Kelli Hughes at Common Grace's #ShowYourStripes event on Parliament House Lawns, 21 June, 2021.