I was on the walk in Melbourne. From memory I met up with Anne Green, on the recommendation of Aunty Jean Philips. Anne Green then introduced me to Safina Stewart. I would have been 24.
Why did you Walk for Reconciliation in the year 2000?
I walked in solidarity and to express my commitment to seeking justice for and reconciliation with Australia's First Peoples.
What has changed in the last 20 years?
Since then I have continued to connect with Safina Stewart, and have also joined a Uniting Church in Mount Eliza that has helped to host the 'Change the Heart' services for the Mornington Peninsula. Safina even came to share at our church camp at Cape Paterson in 2018! I am deeply encouraged to be a part of a faith community that seeks to honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and continue the hard and necessary work of reconciliation.
What is your vision of Reconciliation for the next 20 years?"
I hope and pray that the landscape continues to change in the coming two decades, for the better...